Against the backdrop of the setting sun and the shimmering lake-both of them stood...
And the moment was captured for ever- One standing gaunt, the years of experience lining his face, The other-a younger version, looking ahead with a humility that comes with realization of the twists of life.........
The writing on his T shirt stood out conspiciously-Santosa Island
How things get mixed............
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Good One
Hi I have been reading your stuff since quite some time- u write well but why do I get a feel that you have sorrow in your life, which finds its outlet through your writings, Sorry if I am intruding on your privacy
Keep Writing:)
Said right.. Dear Anonymous..
- Another Anon
Thanks Jeet
Anon 1- Well Melancholy is as much a part of life and joy and happiness- and its needs to be expressed in some way- am not sure though if i do it consciously or not in my writings
Anon-2- I know who u r - why dont u sign in using ur name
why have you stopped writing Mishi?
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