Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Biggest Advantage of being a Women

There are a million reasons to be happy you ended up with two X chromosomes -- shoe shopping, girls' nights, and cheaper insurance, just to name a few. This was a survey done -women were asked to answer- "What in your opinion is the biggest advantage of being a woman?"
Some of the more interesting answers-

1. The biggest advantage of being a woman the art of being able to talk the hind legs off a donkey.

2.Hello?! Boobs! I love having boobs. They're my best accessory!

3.The best thing about being a woman is the variety. As women, we experience so many changes in our bodies and minds over the course of our lives. We get to experience life in a whole different way than men do, and I love that.

4.I love having lots of dressing options and looking pretty. It would be terrible to be a man and have to choose between the blue suit or the blue suit.

5.The "superpower" of being able to grow another life inside you, and produce the food to feed it too.

6. Women have so many choices. They can work or stay home. Be a nurse or a soldier. Despite the fact that we think men have it good, ask a man who has chosen a career viewed as predominantly for women, like a secretary or a nurse, or one who has chosen to stay home and raise the kids while Mom works. They get a lot of flack and are looked on as less of a man.

7.Multiple O's.

8.My six-year-old son answered this one for me a couple nights ago. All snuggled up beside me in his jammies, he says very sincerely, "It's better to be a girl than a boy." When I asked him why he thought that, he said, "Because the kids always love you best."

9.A woman can do all the things that women naturally do and she can do most things a man can do also. A woman can keep a house looking like something out of House Beautiful, a woman can make a delicious meal from leftovers, a woman can create life. A woman can plow the north 40, hot coat the roof, milk the cows, come in, take a bath, and be ready for a night on the town. Men can't even put a dish in the sink.


Shreyasi Deb said...

You make me feel so special right now :-)and women's day is just around the corner!
thanks for the Orkut invitation. I haven't been on it for a couple of months, will surely check in

Anonymous said...

I don't agree with most of those but that's probably just my resentment at being treated as a second-class citizen no matter what I do. Even on the last line of your post...men don't seem to even need to be able to do the simple stuff.

Moushumi said...

Hey Shreya-Can i Call u that- thanks....Yes we women r special and yes orkutting is fun

Idea- I agree with u - but am more moderate in my thoughts and ideas- effect of being a Libran:)
Have a great Weekend