Wednesday, July 04, 2007

To my Friends

RT Called to advise me on the most imp decision of my life

PP mailed to say sorry

SB1 has become a imp part of my life

BS is single handedly responsible for my huge long phone bills( i hope he reads and recognises his identity:))

PJ and I call each other to check if the other is alive

SD is my best gal pal

RP my new female pal

SS Another alpha pal and colleague

SB2 calls me at weird hours to know my views of one night stands

GG threatens me with dire consequences if I dont call him every 3rd day

AM the crazy dude who thinks the world is crazier

So many friends -from different stages of my life- each of them has shared a part of him or her with me, and I have shared a part of me with each of them.....each of them responsible for contributing to how I am intersection of time, place and destiny resulted in me knowing each of u....Thank You friends for being there physically, emotionally, unconditionally for me...What would I do without you........

OH God forgive me when I whine
I have wonderful friends-And the world is mine:)