Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Ten Resons Why I love Cats

10 .Make Cool Motor Boat sounds

9. Keep Top Shelves Dusted

8. Bathe Themselves

7. Don't have to be walked or nannied

6. Great Lap Warmers

5. Don't Eat Much

4. They are all Cute

3.Don't Take up much space

2.Save money on mousetraps

1.And the #1 reason why I love Cats is-They Always know what you are thinking

1 comment:

Shreyasi Deb said...

Then he stretches,turns around, looks into my eyes and says, "I have got to check out the evening traffic, go for a walk peppered with threatening Tommy cat from across the road. I am too done up for my work day." Lazy bum and Roalty!
You muct meet Bonai, my friend's cat at Delhi :-)