Friday, March 09, 2007

Buck up Gals- Speak the Truth........

No don't do it for the society....don't do it because some nebulous person said "truth is the right approach" - do it for yourself.

Bharti- The world knows you as Bharti Yadav- you are a educated girl, a modern girl who has soaked in the benefits of a lavish and privilged lifestyle , modern upbringing and good education. You did what any normal young girl is apt to do- Fall in Love. Things went horribly wrong- you have lived with the trauma of losing your beloved, you have gone through the pain of not being able to mourn in peace, you have had to face the unfriendly media glare, you went into hiding. And what's worse is now you have to make the choice of aiding law to help bring the murderers -the people who brutally killed your love- to justice-knowing fully well that they might be your kith and kin.

So far you have been quiet, you seem to be on a change statement mode, a denial mode. But think about it- who are you trying to shield??- a person who has been convicted of being responsible for the murder of a model turned bartender-who was killed for just doing her job- A person who had never shown any remorse or signs of guilt- who openly threatens lawyers and cops about his dad's money and power etc. A father who supports his son no matter what- a son who thinks he has the authority of meddling with his sister's life and brutally killed herlove.
Both you Bharti and you Bhavna-think about it- won't you be better off without people like these in your life. No you dont need to think about Nitish's brutal murder, or the anguish of Jessica's famly or of Nitish's mom running from pillar to post trying to get justice or for millions of people for whom the jessica judgement was a reinstated faith in justice , or the fact that it would not have been possible had some of the witnesses not turned hostile....No you really don't -just think about yourself and your right to live with peace and dignity. Can you not see the bloodstains on the hands of your own kith and kin- Do you think the blood will remain unpaid for-for long??? Did it remain unpaid for-for Lady Macbeth? Can you see a future for yourself keeping these people who call yourself your near and dear ones safe??....Secure your to wake up in a guiltfree morning,ensure that you can look your kids in the eye...without remorse or guilt...

What are you scared of anyways- your current state of existence is anyway a state of nadir- what worse could happen-what have you to lose anyway?? What will you gain by ensuring the safety of a criminal- fear? state of being repressed? mental and physical torture? You owe this much to yourself atleast- the right to be free......

Buck up gals -speak the truth -not for God's sake, not for society's sake, not for justice's sake, not for Nitish's sake,not for Jesscia's sake- but for your own sake- Free Yourself- You deserve it...........


Anonymous said...

Not only ru pretty u also have very matured thoughts-lovely posts

Shreyasi Deb said...

Yo girl!
That's a good shake up.Am really inspired!