Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Somebody Else's Kids-3

The problem that Ginny faced that nearly everyone she interacted with- forgot or ignored the fact that she was not quite like everyone and needed care and understanding- and that included me as well
So often we pay attention to visible disabilites- blindless, limps, deformation of limbs etc.
She had a brain malfunction- I dont quite remember what its called now
All I remember is she couldnt read remember or recognise words and letters
Dumb, Lazy, unfit, slow- these were some of her prep school teachers had labelled her
Failing in every test...her spirit never failed

Finally they brought her to me- Now I had 3 of them


Rambler said...

I am kind of little shameful to admit that I could not make out the real intent of this series :(

Moushumi said...

There is no intent- this is a real life story- i hv broken into little bits and telling it my way

Rambler said...

Oh I am sorry, coudnt make out.. :(

Moushumi said...

Its a positive incident which taught me a lot of good things- wait for the end:)