Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Why we "shout from the rooftops"

My friend asked me- "Why do you women need to shout from the rooftops about your independence and maturity -and the fact that you don't need a man to make you happy. Who's asking anyways and who's interested in what you women do".

Had this question come from a lesser man I wouldnt have given a damn to this thought, but he is one of the few guys I have met who don't carry old stereotypes and can accept mistakes without mincing that set me thinking...and here is what I think could be the reason for what he calls us "we shouting from the rooftops"

1. We don't shout from the rooftops- to start off with- it's just that we are more vocal and verbose about our opinions-and why not- we think our opinions are not opinionated meaning they are not biased or based on seeing one side of the picture. We have been oriented to be neutral, level headed and truthful in every aspect and don't see the reason to hold back our views

2. The fact that we focus more on the man-woman relationship issue is because this is a huge grey area, with loads of things undefined especially in the urban scenario.While urban women have moved a lot and evolved in terms of their thought processes, perception, values etc, somewhr the urban young man is lagging in his ideas, most of them have used their education to enhance their employability , not their EQ. Most of them r still struggling to bridge the gap between what they have
seen as a part of growing up and NOW

3.Its also a fact that its no use "casting pearls before a swine"- In other words we also would not have wasted out time, effort, energies if we felt that it is falling on deaf ears or ears who can't understand or take it- So guys its actually a credit and a compliment to you- we think you can take a slightly bitter pill and accept a different side of the same story

So my friend if you are reading this- I hope I have been able to answer your query-If not .....please let me know your views....and let's take this further- nothing like a coffee and a discussion with an intelligent man:))


DreamCatcher said...

Moushumi, I have heard this 'roof-top' thingie for a while now. I agree women are more vocal and maybe better at using comprehensible words (better vocab even, but this may be vehemently disputed) but where the comment is coming from is perhaps that women are more emotional when they communicate....doesn't mean we are biased or judgmental but just that for us communication is the key to survival (amen!)...And we don't have to ‘voice’ our maturity/independence etc as the same reflects in the ‘way’ we communicate…so whether anyone notices or not we would keep doing what we that is.. :)

Moushumi said...

Thanks DC:) Couldnt agree with u more

Rambler said...

I really dont know you well, and am kind of skeptical of putting this up here,I hope I am not offending you. But the fact is that you have chosen one thing which has always interested me.
One thing I don't understand with woman is, She knows that she is strong and she knows she is mature, she also knows that men can make out these qualities of her.
I personally feel its not women or man in general, its just a particular man or woman who have these qualities, so why bring the whole gender into question.
Why cant we forget the gender or any other bias and speak as an individual.
Haven't we grown enough to think beyond gender or any other division among humans?

Shreyasi Deb said...

Maybe we just need to shout at focussed groups :-)

Moushumi said...

@ Rambler- I quite agree with u that its not a gender thing- but the reason we get into this gender based discussion is because we have been at the receiving end of so many mindless stereotypes -it hurts and we feel the need to defend ourselves.....

@ shreya- Yes lets do tht:) - i hv the list ready